When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
When one of your skill-less Battle Cards is used in a combo, draw 1
card and add up to 1 card from your life to your hand.
(You must remove a marker from your Unison Card to activate this
skill.) If it's your opponent's turn and a skill-less Battle Card
with an energy cost of 1 is being used in a combo from your hand :
When a skill-less Battle Card with an energy cost of 1 in your Combo
Area would be placed in its owner's Drop Area, play it instead.
When your life is at 4 or less : You may draw 1 card, switch up to 1
of your energy to Active Mode, then flip this card over.
When this card attacks, draw 1 card. Choose up to 1 of your green
Unison Cards and switch it to Rest Mode, then add that card's
power to this card's power for the battle.
When one of your skill-less Battle Cards is used in a combo, it
gets +4000 combo power for the battle, then draw 1 card.
If a skill-less Battle Card with an energy cost of 1 is being used
in a combo from your hand : When a skill-less Battle Card with an
energy cost of 1 in your Combo Area would be placed in its owner's
Drop Area, play it instead, and it gets +5000 power for the turn.