Permanent If a ≪Turles Crusher Corps≫ card in your Battle Area would be placed in its owner's Drop Area by one of your skills, it's sent to its owner's Warp instead.
Auto When you place this card in your Leader Area, place up to 1 {The Tree of Might} from your deck in your opponent's Battle Area.
Auto When this card attacks, add up to 1 card from your life to your hand, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, add up to 1 ≪Turles Crusher Corps≫ card among them to your hand, then shuffle your deck.
Awaken When your life is at 4 or less or your opponent has 3 or more life face up: You may draw 1 card, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode, and flip this card over.